Friday, November 8, 2013

This Weekend's Hair Adventures

I have been making my own deep conditioner for the last few months and while I love the fact that I'm not putting anything on my hair that I couldn't eat, it can be a bit of a pain because for the best blend all the ingredients should be at the same temperature.

Finding a deep conditioner that contains no soy is so difficult that I'd given up even looking until I came by a Shea Moisture product that doesn't have any in it along with no parabens etc. I'm pretty excited to try it out on my hair before I move on to exploring products by Morrocco Method. I love the fact that they are proudly non-gmo no soy and other things that I try to avoid like the plague.

The second new thing that I will be trying this weekend is African Threading. Unlike a lot of naturals I don't want to use it to stretch my hair, I want to create a style that will last for a few weeks without the shrinkage I experience with regular two-strand twists.

I'll be sure to post pictures and my thoughts on everything I try this weekend.

Have a groovy weekend!

P.S. Please feel free to post anything new that you'll be trying.

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